Operational Guidelines for Referees and Judges
Zanshin is described as a state of continued commitment in which the contestant maintains total concentration, observation, and awareness of the opponent’s potentiality of counterattack. Some contestants after delivering Safety Nunchaku technique will turn their body partially away from the opponent but are still watching and ready to continue the action. The Referee Panel must be able to distinguish between this continued state of readiness and one where the contestant has turned away, dropped their guard and concerntration, and in effect has ceased fighting.
The Referee may ask the Judges to re-consider when "..he believes them mistaken or when implementation would be violation of the rules". However re-considseration should be asked for only once. If the Referee’s request is not supported then the majority decision must be given.
Re-consideration Procedures for Judges
When the Referee asks for re-consideration the Judge must first consider the Referee’s request. However should the Judge disagree then he should indicate his reason why and then re-confirm his original decision.
If the Judge believes in retrospect that the Referee was in a better position to see or interpret the action then he may change his decision in support of the Referee.
When a Judge knows that there were two tehniques but could see only one actually reach the scoring area but nevertheless is sure that his decision is correct he should indicate "Mienai" for the Referee’s choice then re-confirm his own choice.
When Judge knows that there were two techniques but could see only one actually reach the scoring area and believes that the Referee’s choice was first (the Judge could see the contestant’s body action but not actual arrival at the scoring area) then the Judge should
Clarity of Signals
To avoid confusion Judges should give only one signal at a time. If a tehnique fails to score it is not required to indicate why in the first instance. The correct procedure is to cross and uncross the flags (Torimasen). In order to avoid unnecessary mistakes and requests for re-consideration two Judges must indicate their relative opinions when the Referee stops the match and returns to his position.
Judges must remember that when indicating Jogai they are required to tap the floor with the appropriate flag. When the Referee stops the bout and returns to his position they should then indicate.
A warning or penalty for Mubobi is given when a competitior is hit or injured through his or her own fault or negligence.
- By turning their back on the opponent
- Stopping fighting before the referee calls ‘Yamae"
- Dropping their guard or concentration and repeated failure or refusal to block the opponent’s attacks.
- If a contestant gets exceedingly injured or is attacked due to his own mistake, referee will penalise him and the opponent will not even be warned.
- A contestant who is hit through their own fault and exaggerates the effect in ordesr to mislead the Referee Panel may receive a warning or penalty for Mubobi as well as an additional penalty for exaggeration, since two offences have been committed.
Announcement of the Referee

Score keepers Marks

Layout of the Kata Competition Area

Layout of the Kumite Competition Area

Safety Nunchaku Black Belt Test Form

Safety Nunchaku Colour Belt Test Form

Introduction of Safety Nunchaku Pass-Book
Some of the World Martial Arts Federation has introduced pass-book procedure only for officers. Safety Nunchaku is the only martial art which has pass-book for both students & officers. Safety Nunchaku officers pass-book is issued to Safety Nunchaku Junior Instructor, Safety Nunchaku Senior Instructor, Safety Nunchaku Coach, Safety Nunchaku Judge (B & A), Safety Nunchaku Referee ( B & A ).
- Safety Nunchaku Officers Pass-book is issued by Technical Director of WSNO only to those who have secured Black Belt and passed the Licence exam.
- Only Safety Nunchaku Licence holder can teach Safety Nunchaku to others.
- Safety Nunchaku Officer’s Pass-book is required to participate in the WSNO Tournaments, Meetings, Seminars, and other activities where Safety Nunchaku Officer’s pass-book number is registered.
- It is the responsibility of the holder to handover the Pass-book at the above mentioned occasions and take it back carefully after recorded the particular programme in the Safety Nunchaku Officers’ pass-book.
- Moreover, basis the changes in the rules and regulations, the Safety Nunchaku Pass-book has to be updated accordingly.
- Safety Nunchaku Officer’s pass-book has to be renewed from Head Office every year.
- In case of Safety Nunchaku Officer’s pass-book being missed / lost, duplicate can be obtained from Safety Nunchaku Technical Director by paying the fine amount.
- Safety Nunchaku Officer, want to change from one Instructor to another, or from one club to another, need to get No Objection Certificate from the former, and the same has to be submitted to the later with the Safety Nunchaku Officer Pass-book to get it sealed and counter Signed by the Technical director of WSNO.
- The below enlisted has to be entered into the Safety Nunchaku Officer’s pass-book.
( Safety Nunchaku Student Pass-book No. must be entered in the Officers Pass-book )
- Officer’s signature with date of appointment, height, Date of Birth, age and address
- Details of Black Belt (Dan) exams passed from WSNO.
- Details of passing Black Belt (Dan) exams and getting Licence from WSNO.
- Details of winning medals in Safety Nunchaku conducted by WSNO
- Details of passing Coach, Judge, Referee exams of WSNO & becoming Match area Controller.
- Details of handling the post of Coach, Judge, Referee & Match Area Controller in WSNO Tournaments.
- Details of WSNO training & seminars Participation
- Details of Tournaments, training & seminars conducted on behalf of WSNO
- Attendance registers of members participated in meeting conducted by WSNO
- Service rendered by members to Safety Nunchaku
- Other eligibility / qualifications of the members
- Renewal of membership registration.
- No Objection Certificate.
(Note: Safety Nunchaku Officer’s Pass-book holder has to function under the instruction of the Instructor. In order to function independently, need to get the No Objection Certificate as instructed by the point no.8)
Safety Nunchaku Student’s Pass-book belongs to the students, who are involved in training under any instructor and to the Junior & senior safety nunchaku instructor who have licence and to judges and referees.
- Safety Nunchaku Student’s PasSport is issued by the Technical Director, WSNO through the instructor to students who have passed the orange belt after entering the student’s details.
- Safety Nunchaku Student’s Passport is required for the students to participate in the Tournaments, Belt exams, Seminars and other WSNO activities. The passport number has to be entered in the form given during these occasions.
- The Safety Nunchaku Student’s Passport has to be active and should have the details like student’s name, address, height, exams passed, belt details, medals acquired in the safety nunchaku Tournaments, seminars attended. These information are to be filled in by the instructor, duly sealed and signed by the technical director, WSNO. Only such passport holder will be allowed to take part in the recognised Tournaments.
- Students has to bring the Safety Nunchaku Student’s Passport to every seminar & other Federation activities and get them registered to be allowed to participate in the activities.
- Every year the Safety Nunchaku Student’s Passport has to be renewed through their instructor.
- During every tournament, the Safety Nunchaku Student’s Passport has to be submitted to the score supervisor at the score desk and has to take it back after the matches are over.
- In case of Safety Nunchaku Student’s passport being missed / lost, duplicate can be obtained through the instructor by paying the fine amount.
- Safety nunchaku Student, want to shift from one Instructor to another, or from one club to another, need to get No Objection Certificate from the former, and the same has to be submitted to the later with the Safety Nunchaku Student Pass-book port to get it sealed and counter Signed by the Technical director of WSNO.
- WSFO will be aware of all the informations regarding all the Officer / Students.
- Since Officers and the students will have all their information in their passport, they can get their job done easily.
- Separate Identity Card is not required during the Tournament. The work pressure of the organiser will be reduced.
- This will acknowledge theArt of Safety Nunchaku disciplined art. Complete information can be furnished to the public and Government.