Safety Nunchaku Recognition
Our Moto is to help the people around the World to get trained and be most benefited by Safety Nunchaku. We strongly not encourage any individual to contact us for the recognition / affiliation of their country / State / District.
Whereas we are more happy to invite and recognize any Club / School / College / Sports Organisation / University / Social Service Organisation would interested to use and promote our Safety Nunchaku in Public interest & development.
Any kind of Private ownership / rights will not be entitled to any individual.
We express our gratefulness to those who have extended their helping hands for us to promote safety nunchaku as sports around the world.
This document is the property of Safety Nunchaku Grand Master S. Kothandan. It may be used for personal educational purposes only. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Safety Nunchaku Grand Master S. Kothandan, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.
You are hereby notified without proper permission, any disclosure, use, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
Warning: Safety Nunchaku Grand Master cannot be held responsible for any misuse of Safety Nunchaku.
The Safety Nunchaku Grand Master strongly condemns misuse of the property in any form any way involving the Safety Nunchaku.
When using the official safety-nunchaku, please be aware of the safety instructions issued by Safty Nunchaku Grand Master S. Kothandan.
Safety Nunchaku Security Features
It is advised by the Safety Nunchaku Grand Master S Kothandan that the below security features needs to be followed while practicing Safety Nunchaku.
- Using the safety nunchaku that is deferred and approved / recognised by Grand Master S Kothandan is considered to be the safest way of practising Safety Nunchaku
- Proper training has to be undertaken for using the Safety Nunchaku which has zero damage.
- Get training from Instructors who has learned Safety Nunchaku from Grand Master S. Kothandan and acquired valied Licence.
- Any School, College, NGOs, who wants to teach Safety Nunchaku to their students / Officials can contact Grand Master S. Kothandan. He will appoint a licensed Instructor, to implement syllabus & trainig under his supervision.
- Safety nunchaku is made of Foam and Rubber with enormous Safety consideration, But still when hits any object or person, is likely to get insured very soon. Therefore, as a safety measure, it is mandatory that all Children/ students who practice Safety Nunchaku, to choose an area about 2 square meter surrounding without any disturbance
Size, Weight & Colour
SIZE: According to the height of the practitioners Safety Nunchaku manufactured with below specification:
- 20 c.m.
- 25 c.m.
- 30 c.m.
- 36 c.m.
WEIGHT: Safety Nunchaku will not create any wound or pain even it hurts a person. Since it has been made with foam / rubber by keeping in mind the weight factor.
COLOUR: Safety Nunchaku made up of different attractive colours & designs. Blue and Red Safety Nunchaku must be used for Safety Nunchaku Tournaments. Any Other Colour will not be entertained / permitted during Tournaments.